Summer is for Learning!

The Educators’ Cooperative
3 min readJul 6, 2021

This post was originally published on July 12, 2017 by Kyleen Shyer at

Mid-July. As an educator, where does that fall in your “summer calendar?” For educators around Nashville, it’s the month where things tend to begin speeding up again. Hopefully some relaxation has taken place, maybe a trip has been taken…maybe a book or two for leisure has even been read!

Have you ever had a friend that doesn’t work in education give you a bit of light-hearted grief for “always having the entire summer off?” My response, both made easily, but also truthfully, is “Well, we don’t.” Pretty much every teacher I know does work over the summer for their teaching position. Many are attending professional development (perhaps local, but most often requires travel), actively working on developing curriculum for the upcoming year, or spending time reading professional literature to help mold, inspire, and alter the craft. It’s what we do because it’s our passion, our calling. While it may be important for our overall health to take a break from all things education, very few do, because we love reflecting on what we’ve done and brainstorming on how to make it stronger and different in the next year.

Some summer work that I’m looking forward to is this upcoming weekend. The third grade team that I am beyond grateful to be a part of is getting together both Saturday and Sunday in order to create and write curriculum for our Social Studies and Science curriculum. We have an opportunity to do something AWESOME and I know that we’re going to be able to do it, with revisions and alterations continuously made over time. We are creating, essentially, a yearlong “Tennessee Study” in which we will utilize and blend our reading, writing, social studies, and science units. Specifically, we’re aiming to incorporate Project Based Learning and technology. It’s a steep charge, but one we’re thrilled to be taking on. As a result, I’ve spent a lot of time reading up on Project Based Learning. There is SO much information out there, but I’ve been drawn specifically into the Buck Institute of Education. I am so excited to build something so engaging, worthwhile, and powerful for our students, building something truly student-centered. I am thankful that we are able to make changes to our curriculum, to create something that we think will benefit our students, putting best practices first. We will be tired, but it will be so worth it!

What work have you done over the summer? Have you read a great book? Attended an inspiring conference? Built new curriculum or revised current curriculum? I’d love to hear about any and all of them, so please leave a comment! In the meantime, you’ll find me by the pool reading this.

The Educators’ Cooperative is a non-profit organization that provides a professional learning community for K-12 teachers. Created for teachers by teachers in 2016, EdCo provides professional development and support for educators to collaborate across sectors, disciplines, and career stages. EdCo aims to revolutionize teacher development and leadership by focusing on the essential agency, autonomy, and common ground all teachers share. EdCo is based in Nashville, Tennessee with a reach far beyond that physical location and potential for replication in communities throughout the nation. When educators collaborate, the future of education is greater than the sum of its parts.

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The Educators’ Cooperative

The Educators’ Cooperative is a non-profit organization that provides a professional learning community for K-12 teachers. Created for teachers by teachers.